2015-16 General Orders
GO 2017-01: Officers and Committees
GO 2017-02: Ritual Awards
Visitation Schedule
Officers Elected and Appointed Committee Appointments 2015-2016
The following Sir Knights have been elected or appointed to the office indicated for the 2015-2016 Templar Year. All previous appointments are hereby rescinded with the thanks of the Grand Commandery.Credentials:
Scott Wilson, EGS (4)
John Austin, EGCG (13)
David A. Tibbetts, PC (10)
Jurisprudence and By-Laws:
John Rafine, PGC (4)
Richard P. Naegele, PGC, KCT (5)
Thomas Binaut, SK (5)
Accounts and Finance:
Spyridon G. Treklas, VEDGC (3)
Charles Warns II, EGG (5)
John Austin, EGCG (13)
Keith Warner, PGCG, ESGW (3)
Alex Rodriquez, EGStB (5)
Kris D. Brown, PC (13)
Thomas G. Heimiller, PGC, EGR (5)
Patrick A. Curtis, PGC (16)
Edward A. Foreman Jr., PGC, KCT (5)
Holy Land Pilgrimage:
Raymond H. Denmark, EGP (7)
Charles Phillips, EGJW (13)
Joel D. Klimoski, Gen (9)
Doings of Grand Officers:
Edward A. Foreman Jr., PGC, KCT (5)
Thomas G. Heimiller, PGC, EGR (5)
Knight Templar Supplement Editor
Grover D. Brewer, SK (16)
Education Foundation:
Charles Warns II, EGG (5)
Christian Jensen, SK (10)
John Greer, PC (6)
Thomas G. Heimiller, PGC, EGR (5)
James Hawkins, CG (8)
John A. Rafine, PGC (4)
James Frock, GSwB (17)
Unfinished Business:
John Rafine, PGC (4)
Keith Warner, EGSW (3)
Thomas G. Heimiller, PGC, EGR (5)
Time and Place:
Spyridon Treklas, VEDGC (3)
John Rafine, PGC (4)
Patrick Curtis, PGC (16)
Youth Relations:
Richard P. Naegele, PGC, KCT (5)
James Cloud, SK (16)
Robert B. Lumbert, PC (1)
Masonic Relations:
Patrick A. Curtis, PGC (16)
Thomas M. Velvin, EC (10)
Charles Wagner, PGC (1)