Royal Arch Grand Chapter Officers 2024-2025


Grand High Priest:  Rafael Rodriquez

Grand King: William Miller

Grand Scribe: Darryl Smith

Grand Treasurer: John M. Lister

Grand Secretary: William Eppig, P.G.H.P.

Grand Captain of the Host: Robert Reynolds

Grand Principal Sojourner: James Kinnear

Grand Royal Arch Captain: Michael Shrank

Grand Master of the Third Veil: James Jolley

Grand Master of the Second Veil: Gordon Munholland

Grand Master of the First Veil: J. Bradley Thomas

Grand Chaplain: A. Dean Burt

Grand Sentinel: Kenneth Kiessling

Grand Lecturer: Bruce Colburn, P.G.H.P

Deputy Grand Lecturer: Vernon Huebschman, P.G.H.P.

Deputy Grand Lecturer: Gordon Munholland

Deputy Grand Lecturer: G. Andrew Martinez, P.G.H.P

Deputy Grand Lecturer:  James Kinnear